To John Moody

1 November 1865


[MS in Finney Papers, supplement #152]


Oberlin Ohio. 1st Nov. 1865.

My Dear Brother Moody,

Yours of the 13. Oct. is recd. Charles

has returned with his wife, to

Oshkosh. He is not yet mustered

out of service, but hopes to be soon,

& does not expect to be ordered to

the field again. He informed

me some time ago that he had

ordered his agent to pay over

the money to pay taxes &c.

He will, no doubt, settle

up with you as he agreed,

if he lives. O, I hope it may be that

God will allow us to see eachother

again in this world. Julia, my

last unmarried child has [ ]

is about to be married & for a few years

to reside in Rio de Jeneiro, Brazil,

South America, where her husband

is U.S. Consul. At the close of

his consulate they expect to return

[page 2]

to Oberlin & remain here. He is

one of our College Professors & will

most likely be my successor as

the President of this College.

Seeing myself about to be left alone

I have taken to myself another wife,

& am well pleased & happy with

her, & my people are greatly pleased

with this arrangement.

I have also to tell you that God

is reviving his blessed work amongst

us & that many are turning to the

Lord. I have seldom seen a

more powerful day than last Sabbath

was in our congregation. Hundreds

were deeply affected & at the close

of the P.M. service nearly the whole

congregation arose & in prayer solemnly

consecrated themselves to God.

The meeting for inquirers in

the evening was large & one

of the most deeply interesting that

I have seen for many years.

[page 3]

I am glad to hear you speak

as you do of Mr. Emerson.

I have no doubt but that he & Charles

will amicably & as speedily as

possible settle up your affairs

at Oshkosh.

Our College is progressing well.

We have a larger number

of students than we have

had since the war began.

Many of our old students

have returned from the

war & many who have been

in the army who were never

here before are now here. A

more serious, earnest & well

behaved set of students than

these returned soldiers are

no one needs to see. The

war has been an excellent

School for them. Life & death,

& God, & country, & government,

& liberty, are momentous things

[page 4]

with them. Indeed this war

has wrought almost a miraculous

change in the views & character

& the great mass of the people,

"Young America" has in four short

years grown to be old America.

We have emerged from this sea

of blood a sobered & thoughtful

people. We are not all right

politically yet. We are progressing

with the settlement of many

grave questions in the reorganiza

tion of the rebel States. We want

now to make all men white

& black equal before the law.

I will send your letter to Charles as

I wish him to perceive just how you

feel about your affairs. With

love to Ann & Mr. Potter & to all

friends I am as ever your

Brother in the Lord,

C. G. Finney



A word is crossed out here.

This word was probably underlined by John Moody.